★ Amazon ★
QTY | Position | Cost | MA | ST | AG | PA | AV | Skills & Traits | Pri | Sec |
![]() | Eagle Warrior Linewomen | 50k | 6 | 3 | 3+ | 4+ | 8+ | Dodge | G | AS |
![]() | Python Warrior Throwers | 80k | 6 | 3 | 3+ | 3+ | 8+ | Dodge, On The Ball, Pass, Safe Pass | GP | AS |
![]() | Piranha Warrior Blitzers | 90k | 7 | 3 | 3+ | 5+ | 8+ | Dodge, Hit and Run, Jump Up | AG | S |
![]() | Jaguar Warrior Blockers | 110k | 6 | 4 | 3+ | 5+ | 9+ | Defensive, Dodge | GS | A |
![]() | ReRolls | 60k | Apothecary: Yes | |||||||
Special Rules | Lustrian Superleague |
Create your team roster
- Everyone has Dodge
- Good value Linemen
- Hard to knock over
- Low armour
- Average Stats
- No Block and few ball handling skills
Amazon Star Players
- Akhorne the Squirrel
- Boa Kon’ssstriktr
- Estelle la Veneaux
- Grak & Crumbleberry
- Gotl Stop
- Grombrindal
- Helmutt Wolf
- Karla Von Kill
- Mighty Zug
- Morg ‘n’ Thorg
- Zolcath le Zoat
Starting Roster Amazon Team
Full Team + 3 Rerolls
QTY | Players / Extras | Cost |
5x | Eagle Warrior Linewoman | 250k |
2x | Piranha Warrior Blitzer | 180k |
2x | Python Warrior Thrower | 160k |
2x | Jaguar Warrior Blocker | 220k |
3x | Rerolls | 180k |
+1 | Dedicated Fans | 10k |
TOTAL | 1.000.000 |
Team Development
Eagle Warrior Linewoman
The main weakness of the Amazons is their low armor, so minimizing the times they hit the ground is crucial. For this reason, Block is by far the best option. It’s also beneficial for some Eagle Warrior Linewomen to have Defensive Tackle to counter opponents with Dodge. As a secondary skill, Guard is possibly the best option since the team’s average strength isn’t outstanding, and having extra support is always helpful.
Python Warrior Thrower
The Python Warriors will be receiving the ball and passing it to a teammate in a favorable position. Since they will generally be more protected and in a safe position, you can opt to forgo the usual Block for more strategic skills: Leader for an additional reroll, Sure Hands for better reliability in picking up the ball, or Kick to make it harder for the opponent to receive the ball.
Piranha Warrior Blitzer
Piranhas are good for both scoring and carrying out blitz actions. The skills you choose should focus on the role you assign to them. For an offensive role, besides the classic Block, Wrestle can be an excellent idea, as it pairs well with their Jump Up ability, providing a strategic advantage against opponents with a lot of Block. As secondary skills, Guard and Mighty Blow are very effective (especially if you’ve chosen Block; if you’ve opted for Wrestle, Mighty Blow loses effectiveness).
If you want a Piranha focused on scoring, the best options are agility skills: Catch, Side Step, Sure Feet (very useful with Wrestle, as if you’re tackled, you send your opponent to the ground and place the ball where it suits you, then stand up and move normally on your turn thanks to Jump Up), or skills that facilitate going for it, like Sure Feet and Sprint.
Jaguar Warrior Blocker
The Jaguars, with their Strength 4, will be your more aggressive players. Common choices include Block, Guard, and Mighty Blow. Additionally, Defensive Tackle can be very useful.
Primary Skills | Secondary Skills | Atribute | |
Eagle Warrior Linewoman | Block, Defensive Tackle | Guard | |
Python Warrior Thrower | Leader, Sure Hands, Kick, Block | ||
Piranha Warrior Blitzer | Wrestle/Block, Catch, Side Step, Sure Feet, Sprint | Guard, Mighty Blow | |
Jaguar Warrior Blocker | Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, Defensive Tackle |
Section created by: SmellyDiaper
Starter GW Team Box Contents
The Amazon Starter Box contains 12 miniatures:
- x6 Eagle Warrior Linewomen
- x2 Piranha Warrior Blitzers
- x2 Python Warrior Throwers
- x2 Jaguar Warrior Blockers
- x2 double-sided Blood Bowl coins
- x2 Shift and Replay Markers
- x4 balls
- Team Decals
Blood Bowl has just the right mix of death, destruction, strategy and tactics that is so appealing to Amazon teams.
Team Overview

Bob: “Welcome sports lovers! With me tonight we have Jim Johnson!”
Jim: “Thank you, Bob. Tonight we’re featuring a team that’s been in the sport for a short time, the Amazons.”
Bob: “That’s right, Jim. The Amazons discovered our favourite sport relatively recently, the right mix of death, destruction, strategy and tactics that the Amazons love so much, that’s what encouraged these warriors to dish out tackles everywhere.”
Jim: “The society of the Amazons is based on the assumption that men are a bunch of hillbillies with nothing inside their heads who can only be entrusted with the simplest and heaviest of household chores. Admittedly, Bob, the crazy things Blood Bowl players do both on and off the field support such assertions.”
Bob: “Not to mention the stupid things done by the male fans in the stands. I remember the time I ended up throwing at the referee instead of the ball just to win a bet.”
Jim: “Be that as it may, it is the Amazon women who perform the most important tasks in society. This exceptional distribution has created an extremely prosperous society that has managed to gain a foothold and grow along the Lustrian coast.”
Bob: “Years of warfare in Lustria against settlers and Lizardmen have created the strongest and toughest women in the Old and New Worlds. Amazons never give up!”
Jim: “Their formidable agility makes them a very fast team, but not wearing much armour if any opponent catches them they will end up in the mud like everyone else.”
Bob: “Their key players are the Blitzers, who are some of the best melee players, they hit first and ask questions later.”
Jim: “Some teams after biting the dust against the Amazons falsely claim they are men disguised as women, something that has been disproved many times, plus the players themselves dare anyone to come to the field to check it out.”
Bob: “This discussion can only be cleared up with a good game of Blood Bowl and a few less teeth. Just like old times.”
Jim: “You’re absolutely right, Bob.”
Amazon Team Summary
The Amazon team has one big and apparent advantage over most teams and that is that they all start with the Dodge ability. This gives them some versatility when it comes to moving players around, as well as making them harder to take down. They also start with four players who have the combination of Block and Dodge. These four Blitzers also have access to strength abilities and can easily be charged up to be very problematic for teams. The rest of the team can also get Blocked easily and an entire Block and Dodge team will stand up most of the time after being blocked.
However, it’s not all good and some teams, especially Dwarves, who have a lot of Tackle abilities can nullify their biggest advantage. Players are all fragile with AV7 when they go down as well. All players have an average stat line, they are not fast, not agile and not strong. Although they are also not slow, weak or terrible at ball handling. Although all your players have the ability to dodge, that doesn’t mean that it is better to do as much dodging as possible, with AG3 you will soon realise that there may be better ways forward with this team.
For beginners they are a good team, they are not really poor in any area and with the team being pretty cheap overall, you can afford a few skilled players and have a few dice rolls. They can be fairly forgiving in that regard and as they are harder to break down than most teams, most of the time they will have players for the coach to use. That said, leagues with a lot of Dwarf and Chaos Dwarf teams can make the Amazons a tricky proposition.
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