β Elven Union β
QTY | Position | Cost | MA | ST | AG | PA | AV | Skills & Traits | Pri | Sec |
![]() | Elf Linemen | 60k | 6 | 3 | 2+ | 4+ | 8+ | β | AG | S |
![]() | Elf Thrower | 75k | 6 | 3 | 2+ | 2+ | 8+ | Pass | AGP | S |
![]() | Elf Catcher | 100k | 8 | 3 | 2+ | 4+ | 8+ | Catch, Nerves of Steel | AG | S |
![]() | Elf Blitzers | 115k | 7 | 3 | 2+ | 3+ | 9+ | Block, Side Step | AG | PS |
![]() | ReRolls | 50k | Apothecary: Yes | |||||||
Special Rules | Elven Kingdoms League |
Create your team roster
Elven Union Team Strengths:
- Best Catchers in the game
- Cheapest AG4 Players
- High Agility
Elven Union Team Weaknesses:
- Low Armour
- Expensive Positionals
Starting Roster Elven Union Team
Basic Team
QTY | Players / Extra | Cost |
7 | Lineman | 420k |
2 | Catcher | 200k |
2 | Blitzer | 230k |
3 | Rerolls | 150k |
Total | 1000k |
This would be my starting lineup choice, although price increases have meant that you can no longer start with a pitcher. Passing was never a big part of Blood Bowl and in many ways has become even more difficult. This makes dedicated casters more valuable if you are going to pass and the Elven Union caster is one of the best. However, you have decent speed and agility, so you should be able to get by without passing most of the time.
Blitzers have slightly better armor and with Block and Side Step are one of the most annoying players for opponents, both on offense and defense. The Elf Union also has the best Catchers in the game, they are fast, agile and have both Catch and Nerve of Steel. They offer more to your team than the casters, plus you don’t give up any armor compared to the casters.
This list also allows you to include three rerolls from the start. Many elf teams can only afford to start with two rerolls, so taking a player with easy access to get a leader is a popular choice. This is less important for Elven Union teams, which is another reason why the Launcher is the one I would start without. Save up to get that Apothecary as soon as possible and then look to add the Pitcher or just get more of those awesome Catchers.
If you’re worried about losing expensive players, a variation on this list would be to drop a reroll and start with the Apothecary. The price increase that means you now start without the Pitcher means you’re not going to get Leader as easily.
Full Catchers
QTY | Players / Extra | Cost |
6 | Lineman | 360k |
1 | Thrower | 75k |
4 | Catcher | 400k |
2 | Rerolls | 100k |
1 | Apothecary | 50k |
Total | 985k |
The second season of Blood Bowl introduced bonus earnings for every touchdown your team scores, and nothing says scoring touchdowns more than the Elven Union Catchers. If you start with all four, it will be very difficult for other teams to stop you from scoring. Not having the Blitzers slightly reduces the team’s armor and weakens your defensive ability to take the ball away from the other team.
In this case, you can start with only two rerolls, since you have the launcher to get the leader. This saves some funds to get the Apothecary early on to protect the more expensive players. I personally would start with a third reroll, since if you get at least two, you will have enough money to get an Apothecary after the first game (even if you put 10k in extra Dedicated Fans).
4 Rerolls
QTY | Players / Extra | Cost |
9 | Lineman | 540k |
2 | Blitzers | 230k |
4 | Rerolls | 100k |
Total | 970k |
Despite the price changes, you can start an Elf Union team really heavy on recharges. Also, if you keep money in the bank, you are guaranteed to have enough money after the first game to be able to buy an apothecary. With four rerolls, you can ignore the possibility of getting a Leader and take passing skills once you have a Caster. Also, starting without Catches means they won’t be out there hogging most of the star players’ points for scoring touchdowns.
There is a safer variant where you drop a reroll and take an Apothecary instead. That ensures the survival of your most expensive players and three rerolls, even if you don’t have any built-in skill rerolls to begin with.
When the NAF collapsed, many Elven teams ran out of money. The teams that have survived the fall are not as rich as the High Elven teams nor are they as well equipped, but they do know how to play. With masks and mohawks, they take to the field to relive the glory days when they played.
Elf Union Team Summary:
Elven teams are the cheapest of the four Elven races that are available to play. Their biggest advantage is their Catchers. They are by far the best Catchers in the game, being fast, of average strength and starting from Nerves of Steel. Their ability to catch a ball in heavy traffic makes the team very difficult to defend. Catchers are also very good at getting interceptions if you position them well and this can help force the other team to play the ball where you prefer. They don’t suffer from the low strength that other players of their type have. Blitzers are also good and have a good starting combination of skills that make them great at harassing the opposing ball carrier.
The bad news is that Blitzers and Catchers are not cheap and will be targeted. While their linemen are the cheapest of all the Elf teams, they have little armor, so you don’t want to get caught up in a fight. The fact that Catchers are so good at what they do, you may find that they tend to hog all the SPP and you have to be careful with skill distribution around the team.
For starters, their low armor can be difficult to defend against certain teams and there may be games where you have few players on the field. However the ease with which they can score can counteract that at times. They are probably on par with the High Elves, a bit more fragile in exchange for a more explosive offense.
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