β Skaven β
QTY | Position | Cost | MA | ST | AG | PA | AV | Skills & Traits | Pri | Sec |
![]() | Skaven Lineman | 50k | 7 | 3 | 3+ | 4+ | 8+ | β | G | AMS |
![]() | Skaven Thrower | 85k | 7 | 3 | 3+ | 2+ | 8+ | Pass, Sure Hands | GP | AMS |
![]() | Skaven Gutter Runner | 85k | 9 | 2 | 2+ | 4+ | 8+ | Dodge | AG | MPS |
![]() | Skaven Blitzer | 90k | 7 | 3 | 3+ | 5+ | 9+ | Block | GS | AMP |
![]() | Rat Ogre | 150k | 6 | 5 | 4+ | β | 9+ | Animal Savagery, Frenzy, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Prehensile Tail | S | AGM |
![]() | ReRolls | 50k | Apothecary: Yes | |||||||
Special Rules | Underworld Challenge |
Create your team roster
Skaven Team Strengths:
- Very Fast
- Cheap
- Mutation Access
Skaven Team Weaknesses:
- Fragile
- Can develop really one sided
Skaven Star Players
Akhorne the Squirrel, The Black Gobbo, Bomber Dribblesnot, Fungus the Loon, Glart Smahrip, Grak & Crumbleberry, Hakflem Skuttlespike, Helmutt Wolf, Kreek Rustgouger, Morg βnβ Thorg, Varag GhoulβChewer
Basic Set-Ups

B = Blitzer
G = Gutter Runner
T = Thrower
L = Lineman

B = Blitzer
G = Gutter Runner
T = Thrower
L = Lineman
Starting Roster Skaven Team
Complete Team
QTY | Players / Extras | Cost |
4 | Skaven Clanrat Linemen | 200k |
1 | Thrower | 85k |
4 | Gutter Runners | 340k |
2 | Blitzers | 180k |
3 | Rerolls | 150k |
Total | 955k |
With this list you are 5k short to include an Apothecary as well. Apart from that, you have everything you need and downgrading any of the positional players to a Linerat in order to get that Boticario is not worth it. You can get an Apothecary the next league game. Also, it might hinder teams that have kept their team value low to get incentives. Alternatively, you could get some Dedicated Fans to increase the profit you generate.
12 Players + Apothecary Skaven
QTY | Players / Extras | Cost |
7 | Skaven Clanrat Linemen | 350k |
1 | Thrower | 85k |
2 | Gutter Runners | 170k |
2 | Blitzers | 180k |
3 | Rerolls | 150k |
1 | Apothecary | 50k |
Total | 985k |
Skaven teams have a habit of being hit with low armor and average agility in much of the team. For that reason you might want to start with a sub and also the protection of an Apothecary for the more expensive players. With the Launcher and two Gutter Runners you should be able to score more easily than most teams. It also means you have a little more strength on the field, but at the expense of the movement of the Gutter Runner. If you’re one of those coaches who are content to play with two dice rolls, you can trade one for an extra Linerat, which could be useful in preparation for the second half.
4 Rerolls Skaven
QTY | Players / Extras | Cost |
6 | Skaven Clanrat Linemen | 300k |
1 | Thrower | 85k |
2 | Gutter Runners | 170k |
2 | Blitzers | 180k |
4 | Rerolls | 200k |
1 | Apothecary | 50k |
Total | 985k |
This is very similar to the list above, but instead of the Linerat substitute, you have an extra dice roll. The Skaven are one of the teams that really don’t need that many dice rolls compared to other teams. You have skills on relevant players and your agility isn’t terrible across the team. However, with only two Gutter Runners, you could attempt more dodges with average agility. Having a lot of rerolls also gives you more license to attempt Placar with one die, especially with Blitzers, since they have Placar. There is the option of waiting for the Apothecary and upgrading one of the Linerats to a third Gutter Runners.
Rat Ogre Skaven
QTY | Players / Extras | Cost |
5 | Skaven Clanrat Linemen | 250k |
1 | Thrower | 85k |
2 | Gutter Runners | 170k |
2 | Blitzers | 180k |
1 | Rat Ogre | 150k |
2 | Rerolls | 100k |
1 | Apothecary | 50k |
Total | 985k |
Sometimes it can be very useful to have a really strong player available to the team.
The apothecary is there to protect the more expensive assets, but trading him for a third roll of the dice and then saving up to get one as soon as possible would probably be the way to go.
No Thrower
QTY | Players / Extras | Cost |
5 | Skaven Clanrat Linemen | 250k |
4 | Gutter Runners | 340k |
2 | Blitzers | 180k |
3 | Rerolls | 150k |
1 | Apothecary | 50k |
Total | 970k |
This is very similar to the full positional list, not having a caster basically means that you are trading them in to afford an apothecary. You could also swap out the Apothecary for an extra Linerat or Reroll. A Skaven team with four Gutter Runners and four Rerolls can sometimes make some extraordinary plays. The only other high agility players that start with Dodge are the Sylvan Elves, but it’s hard to start with three rerolls on a team of expensive elves.
Skaven Team Development
Generally, linemen are used to fill out the team, and for Skaven, this is even more pronounced. Therefore, you don’t want them to gain experience or distribute skills to them. However, if they do gain skills, the best ones are the always useful Block, Tackle to prevent dodges, and Dirty Player if you like fouling. Another idea is to give one Kick to apply pressure with your Gutter Runners, especially if your opponent is slow and not very good with the ball.
When leveling up a Skaven Blitzer, there’s not much room for creativity. Mighty Blow or Tackle to be more lethal, or Guard if you want them to provide support. Since you can have two Blitzers, you can designate one for each role.
As secondary skills, having access to mutations offers very interesting options like Horns for making Strength 4 blitzes, or Claws to destroy opponents with high armor.
Gutter Runner
Gutter Runners are the true stars of the Skaven teams. With maximum movement and the best agility possible, they are extremely difficult to stop and defend against right from the start. With skills, you can specialize each one to excel in a specific role.
If you want a standard scorer, Block is the simplest option to avoid ending up on the ground, and you can complement it with Side Step. Catch is also a great addition to ensure ball receptions.
If you want a Gutter Runner specialized in one-turn touchdowns, Sprint will allow you to only have to push once, and with Sure Feet, you’ll have more confidence to make the necessary 3 Go For Its.
If you want a Gutter Runner oriented towards stealing the ball, the combination of Wrestle and Strip Ball will give you a player capable of preventing opponent scores, covering almost the entire field, and even making blitzes with two dice against with a good chance of success.
As interesting secondary skills, mutations help especially the first type of Gutter Runners (ball carriers): Extra Arms for ball reception/pickup and Two Heads to reduce penalties during dodges.
The Skaven Thrower is the only one with access to passing skills as primaries, so a great option is to give them Leader for an extra reroll. Other interesting options could be Kick to throw the ball as far as possible without fear of it going out of bounds, or On the Ball, which will allow you to position yourself for the reception before your turn even starts, helping a lot if you want to specialize in one-turn touchdowns.
Rat Ogre
The great advantage of the Rat Ogre over most Big Guys is that even when failing the roll, it can act (at the cost of one of its teammates suffering its savagery), so it will be quite common to use the Blitz action with it. Considering this and its Frenzy, you can turn it into a machine for pushing opponents off the field, and provide more security when blocking with the Juggernaut skill.
If you want to play it safer, you’ll have to wait to give it Block, which is a secondary skill, as well as Claw, which is perfect for getting rid of more resilient opponents.
Position | Primary Skills | Secondary Skills | Attribute |
Skaven Lineman | Block, Tackle, Dirty Player, Kick | ||
Blitzer | Mighty Blow, Tackle, Guard | Horns, Claw | |
Gutter Runner | Block, Side Step, Catch | Sprint, Sure Feet, Wrestle, Strip Ball | Extra Arms, Two Heads |
Thrower | Leader, Kick, On the Ball | ||
Rat Ogre | Juggernaut | Block, Claw |
Section created by : SmellyDiaper
Contents of the GW Team Box
The Skaven team starter box contains 12 miniatures:
- 6 Skaven Linemen
- 2 Skaven Gutter Runners
- 2 Skaven Blitzers
- 2 Skaven Throwers
- 2 double-sided Blood Bowl coins
- 2 turn and reroll markers
- 4 balls
- Team decals
- Bases
They may not be that strong, and they certainly aren’t tough, but boy are the Skaven fast! More than one opponent has been left in the starting blocks as the speedy Skaven players race through a gap in the line and dash in for a touchdown at lightning speed.
Team summary
The Skaven are the fastest team in the game and also have fairly cheap players. Gutter Runners are by far their best players and can be a real problem for the opposing team. Skaven teams can also have mutations, although not as easily as Chaos teams, and these can be really useful. With the right skill combinations and increased movement, skaven have the ability to score in a turn with a player capable of moving half the field. Their cheap players give the ability to have a fairly deep bench to deal with the inevitable injuries, or you can use a disposable player to foul the other team.
However, the Skaven are quite fragile and, apart from the Channel Runners, have fairly average agility. So, while most of the team is as fast as the Wood Elves, they don’t have the agility to move like them. You will also find that Channel Runners are often the target of opponents’ fouls. Luckily, they are easy to upgrade, so don’t worry about losing them.
Skaven are not a bad team for beginners, the cheapness of the players means you can have some substitutes and scoring is easy for Gutter Runners. However, you may not develop exceptional tactical understanding with them and some games the team can be destroyed if the other team can get a lot of blocks.
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