Goblins Blood Bowl Team

Equipo Goblin Blood Bowl

★ Goblins ★

QTYPositionCostMASTAGPAAVSkills & TraitsPriSec
Goblin40k623+4+8+Dodge, Right Stuff, StuntyAGPS
Bomma45k623+4+8+Bombardier, Dodge, Secret Weapon, StuntyAPGS
Looney40k623+–8+Chainsaw, Secret Weapon, StuntyAGS
Fanatic70k373+–8+Ball & Chain, No Hands, Secret Weapon, StuntySAG
Pogoer75k723+5+8+Dodge, Pogo Stick, StuntyAGPS
‘Ooligan65k623+6+8+Dirty Player (+1), Disturbing Presence, Dodge, Right Stuff, StuntyAGPS
Doom Diver60k623+6+8+Right Stuff, Stunty, SwoopAGPS
Trained Troll115k455+5+10+Always Hungry, Loner (3+), Mighty Blow (+1), Projectile Vomit, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team MateSAGP
ReRolls60kApothecary: Yes
Special RulesBadlands Brawl, Bribery and Corruption, Underworld Challenge
Goblins Blood Bowl Team

Create your team roster

Goblin Team Strengths:

  • Very cheap players
  • Access to lots of secret weapons
  • Can have two trolls
  • Dodge and Stunty

Goblin Team Weaknesses:

  • Low strength
  • Low armour
  • Fragile (stunty)
  • Unreliable players

Goblin’s Star Players

  • Akhorne the Squirrel
  • The Black Gobbo
  • Bomber Dribblesnot
  • Fungus the Loon
  • Glart Smahrip
  • Grak & Crumbleberry
  • Hakflem Skuttlespike
  • Helmutt Wolf
  • Kreek Rustgouger
  • Morg ‘n’ Thorg
  • Varag Ghoul–Chewer

Starting Roster Goblins Team

Basic Goblin Roster

QTYPlayers / ExtrasCost
9Goblin Linemen360k
2Trained Trolls230k

Trolls have had a slight price increase, but are now a bit more reliable when it comes to using dice rolls and also have the Projectile Vomit ability. You don’t need to worry so much about an Apothecary, Goblins are pretty expendable and cheap, Trolls have some built-in protection in the form of Regeneration.

This leaves you 230k to play with, or to save for incentives. Bribes are 50k as an incentive for Goblin teams, though don’t forget that not all of your opponents will have spent their entire budget. Bribes are very useful to get another unit from one of your Secret Weapon players, or to help in the foul game. Since the above scheme only has eleven players, you will want to include a few more, even if they are basic Goblins, as they are fragile and you may also get one of them kicked out.

Secret Weapons Team

QTYPlayers / ExtrasCost
10Goblin Linemen400k
1Looney (Chainsaw)40k
1Fanatic (Ball & Chain)70k
2Trained Trolls230k

You have three replays and 15 players in total, two of which have Secret Weapon (the Looney and the Fanatic). That gives you 2 extra substitutes to deal with likely injuries (against teams like the Dwarves) or to foul against more expensive but less Block / Tackle teams (like the Elves). Your extra numbers and two great foul options in the Looney and the ‘Ooligan should help you avoid being outnumbered.

An alternative option is to forgo the Fanatic and save the extra 70k, which would allow you to induce a cheap bribe against many teams and then you could try to get more out of the Looney. The problem is that many opponents will try to attack Looney and hope the chainsaw hurts its owner, although you still have an ‘Ooligan’ who could make good use of the bribe.

Team Development

Goblin Lineman

Goblin Linemen only have access to agility skills as primaries, so an interesting option is to roll for a random General skill. If you get something useful, complement it later with a primary skill that enhances the role. For example:

  • If you roll Dirty Player, follow up with Sneaky Git.
  • If you roll Sure Hands, choose a skill that improves mobility, such as Side Step, Sure Feet, or Sprint, especially if you want a specialist instead of opting for a Pogoer.
  • If you roll Wrestle, follow up with Jump Up.

Other secondary skills like Block, Kick, or Strip Ball are worth keeping.
Additionally, Heroic Tackle is a primary skill that can be highly useful on its own.


Now that passing skills are primary for the Bomma, the best options are Safe Pass and Pass. Alternatively, Side Step is a good option for advantageous repositioning if targeted by an opponent’s blitz.


The chainsaw-wielding goblin doesn’t start with Dodge, making it likely the best choice for increasing survivability. Without it, the Looney is often left in base contact and targeted by blocks if they fail to break armor. For safer fouling, consider taking Sneaky Git.

For secondary skills:

  • Block reduces the risk of being knocked down when blocked (since you’ll rarely want to block with the chainsaw instead of using it).
  • Dirty Player increases the effectiveness of fouls with the chainsaw.


The primary skill is obvious: Mighty Blow to increase destructive potential.

For secondary skills:

  • Block helps prevent self-knockdowns and improves the odds of taking down opponents.
  • Defensive Tackle can neutralize enemy dodges.

Generally, this order is ideal, but you can adjust it depending on your league environment (e.g., facing teams with lots of dodge skills).

For attributes, increasing Movement allows greater field coverage, forcing your opponent to be more cautious with positioning.


With its movement and skills, the Pogoer is most likely your ball handler. Skill upgrades should enhance this role:

  • Primary: Side Step.
  • Secondary: Sure Hands and Block.

For attributes, both Movement and Agility are excellent options.


The ’Ooligan’s role is to disrupt the opponent’s ball handling and commit fouls using their starting Dirty Player skill. To maximize this, the only skill you should consider is Sneaky Git, reducing the risk of being sent off.

Doom Diver

The Doom Diver specializes in being thrown by a troll, enabling a semi-one-turn touchdown. This requires catching the ball and potentially dodging opponents to score. The best skills are Catch and Dodge.

Alternatively, you can choose Sure Hands to make the Doom Diver your regular ball carrier, though throwing goblins is inherently risky.

Trained Troll

Given the low strength of goblins, giving your trolls Guard is the simplest way to ensure two-dice blocks each turn. Other useful skills include Stand Firm to hold the line or create a cage and Break Tackle for pushing opponents, especially if you plan on fouling.

For secondary skills:

  • Block is always useful.
  • Pro helps reroll failed negatraits or bad rolls.

For attributes, increasing Movement allows trolls to cover more of the pitch.


Goblin LinemanSneaky Git, Heroic Tackle, Jump Up, Sprint, Sure FeetBlock, Wrestle, Sure Hands, Kick, Dirty Player, Strip Ball
BommaSafe Pass, Pass, Side Step
LooneyDodge, Sneaky GitBlock, Dirty Player
FanaticMighty BlowBlock, Defensive TackleMovement
PogoerSide StepSure Hands, BlockMovement, Agility
’OoliganSneaky Git
Doom DiverCatch, DodgeSure Hands
Trained TrollGuard, Break Tackle, Stand FirmBlock, ProMovement

GW Team Box Contents

The Goblins starter box contains 12 miniatures:

  • x12 Goblins
  • x2 double-sided Blood Bowl coins
  • x2 turn and replay markers
  • x6 balls
  • Team Decals
  • Bases

Goblin teams are agile and fast, but they are also very weak. They tend to cheat and use secret weapons to win.

Team Overview:

Bob & Jim

Jim: “Greetings, sports fans! I’m Jim Johnson and joining me today is Bob Bifford.”

Bob: “Good evening Jim, looks like we’ll be talking about Goblin teams tonight?”

Jim: “That’s right Bob, what do you know about these little greenskins?”

Bob: “Not much Jim, I just know that they’re green, sneaky little green chaps.”

Jim: “Exactly, plus they are much more cunning than their Orc cousins, Orc teams often hire these stragglers to run for them to gain agility.”

Bob: “They’re so small they’ll run through your fingers!”

Jim: “They’re also a mean cheater, whenever they can sneak a secret weapon or two onto the field.”

Bob: “Let’s face it Jim, what would Blood Bowl be without a little fun?”

Jim: “You’re absolutely right, Bob. Too bad every new inning the referee kicks them off the field, or at least tries to.”

Bob: “I think they use Trolls to liven things up.”

Jim: “That’s right, brute force and really stupid, every now and then it does the job.”

Bob: “And what a good time the fans have with this show!”

Jim: “Bob?”

Bob: “Tell me, Jim.”

Jim: “In your playing days, didn’t you throw more than one on opponents, like trolls do?”

Bob: “Yes! hahahaha, and ,how they bounced! Sometimes they even landed on their feet!”

Team Summary

Bob & Jim

Jim: Hey Bob, what do you think about Goblin teams in Blood Bowl?

Bob: Well Jim, they’re definitely one of the weakest and most challenging teams to play with.

Jim: That’s for sure. Their players are cheap, weak and break easily.

Bob: Yeah, but on the other hand, they have the biggest access to secret weapons. You’ll often see them using players with things like chainsaws and pogo sticks.

Jim: And don’t forget about the two troll players they can employ to help bolster the team on the line of scrimmage.

Bob: Exactly. But, their secret weapon players tend to get sent off and trolls aren’t exactly known for their reliability.

Jim: Yeah, playing with goblins can be a real challenge. But it can also be a lot of fun.

Bob: Definitely. They’re also known for trying to bribe referees to keep their weapons on the pitch. And even if that doesn’t work, they’re cheap enough to be able to have a full bench of substitutes.

Jim: So, in conclusion, Goblin teams are not suited for beginners, unless they’re up for the challenge and want to have some fun with the diversity of the team.

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