Welcome Blood bowl lovers.
#Update14/09/2023 Scores
Individual Score
Squad Score
Gracias todos por esta increíble experiencia!.
UPDATE: 02/03/2023
1.- Allowed starplayers
Some people asked for a list of allowed starplayers, so here it is. Starplayers with a skill tax are specified with a *. Please check the ruleset to learn more about the starplayer skill tax.
- Akhorne the Squirrel
- Barik Farblast
- Bomber Dribblesnot *
- Bryce ‘the Slyce’ Cambuel
- Deeproot Strongbranch *
- Eldril Sidewinder
- Frank ’n’ Stein
- Fungus the Loon
- Glart Smashrip
- Gloriel Summerbloom
- Grak & Crumbleberry
- Grashnak Blackhoof
- Gretchen Wätcher
- Griff Oberwald *
- Grim Ironjaw
- Grombrindal The White Dwarf
- Hakflem Skuttlespike *
- Helmut Wulf
- Ivar Eriksson
- Karla von Kill
- Kreek Rustgouger *
- Lord Borak the Despoiler
- Lucien Swift & Valen Swift
- Max Spleenripper
- Mighty Zug
- Morg’n’Thorg *
- Roxanna Darknail
- Rumbelow Sheepskin
- Scyla Anfingrimm
- Skrorg Snowpelt
- Skrull Halfheight
- The Black Gobbo
- Thorsson Stoudmead
- Varag Ghoul-Chewer
- Wilhelm Chaney *
- Willow Rosebark
- Zolcath the Zoat
2.- How to fully register into the V NAF World Cup
Here’s a step by step guide to get fully registered into
the V NAF World Cup.

First step is to register in the website, clicking the yellow button on the top right corner. Create your username and your password. In case you have any problem with your password, please contact us to modify it.

You will find this screen, that reflects each possible tourney hosted on the site. Right now the only existing tourney is the V NAF World Cup, so click there to enter the tournament screen.

This screen displays the tournament info (date, city and so on). You have to register in the tourney by clicking the button in the red square. Then you will be offered the chance to pay the tournament, create your roster and create your squad or join an existing one.
3.- Extra questions about rosters and squads
- Can I register and pay if I’m not part of a squad?
Yes, you can. Just join, register and pay as a solo player.
Once the registration process is finished, players with no squad will be assigned to incomplete squads. - Should I pay the World Cup fee as an individual player, or my Captain should pay for a whole squad?
Both options are possible. Feel free to choose any of them. - I’m a captain and my squad is not complete. Should I wait to have the 6 members, or should I pay for my incomplete squad?
Both options are possible. We recommend you paying for the actual squad members now, in case the Early Bid period ends
and you have to pay an extra charge. - What if I paid the fee but now I can’t attend the World Cup?
Find a substitute who has not paid and is going to attend the tourney in your place. Contact us and we will modify his status to “paid”. In case you paid in the Early Bid period and now it’s over, your substitute will have to pay just the extra charge. - My credit card does not allow me to pay/I don’t have a credit card.
Please contact us through the mail we stated on the first page of this document and we’ll solve it. - I did check extra food or bus rides by mistake, and now the software demands me to pay an extra that I don’t need.
Please contact us before paying, and we will remove the unwanted extra. - I did register on the Early Bid period, but now I’m paying once that period is over. Can I pay the Early Bid fee?
We’re sorry, but the fee is determined by the moment you pay, not the moment you registered. - Paying or validating my squad means I can’t modify my roster?
No, it doesn’t. You will be allowed to modify your roster until the deadline for rosters ends. - What’s the deadline to modify my roster?
Rosters can be modified up to July, 15th (included). - I’m trying to enter my roster and the software does not validate it.
Please check if you’re trying to add a starplayer with a skill tax. - How can I change my squad name?
Please contact us through the mail we stated on the first page of this document and we’ll solve it. - What if GW publishes a new FAQ document or changes to the rules?
Rules changes will be immediately applied (like the Throw Team Mate change from last FAQ document). Roster and starplayer changes won’t be applied. - The ruleset does not specify Dedicated Fans as a valid inducement, but the team creation software allows you to select them as a valid inducement. Which one is right?
Dedicated Fans are a valid inducement.
4.- Questions about the venue, buses and opening ceremony
- Is there a smoking zone in the venue?
Spanish law forbids smoking inside public buildings. You will have to go out to the Food Court, where you can freely smoke. - Considering it’s a public place, is alcohol allowed on the venue?
Yes, it is. The venue is a public place but it’s run by a private company. - Can I bring my own drinks to the World Cup?
You’re allowed and encouraged to bring gifts for friends and opponents. That includes drinks from your place to sample and invite them. If you’re referring to drinking in the venue as a whole, please go to the venue bar or the different stalls that sell drinks. - Where can I get the bus shuttle to the venue?
Bus shuttle will depart and return to Plaza Puerta del Mar.
Check the Alicante map in the downloads section of the web, it’s right near the beach. - Are you going to have special buses for attendees with mobility issues?
Yes. Please state it on your registration form so we know how many buses do we need for people with mobility issues. - Where will the opening ceremony happen?
The opening ceremony will be celebrated on September 7th, at 20:00 hour, in the Town Hall Square (Plaza del Ayuntamiento).
UPDATE: 01/02/2023
120€ registration fee (per person)
7,8,9,10 september 2023
The website for registration:
The World Cup will take place on 7, 8, 9 and 10 September 2023.
[countdown id=”7639″ show_venue=”0″ show_league=”0″ align=”null”]
- 8:00 p.m
- Inauguration and opening of the World Cup on the Esplanade of the Port of Alicante.
- 8:00 a.m.
- Check in by the captains of each squad.
- 9:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
- First match of the day.
- 12h30
- Lunch.
- 14:15 a.m. to 16:45 p.m.
- Second match of the day.
- 17.30 h to 20.00 h
- Third match of the day.
- 9.00 h
- Registration of the captains of each team.
- 9.45 a.m. to 12.15 noon.
- First match of the day.
- 12h30
- Lunch.
- 14:15 to 16:45 h.
- Second match of the day.
- 17.30 h to 20.00 h
- Third match of the day.
- 9.00 h
- Registration of the captains of each squad.
- 9.45 a.m. to 12.15 noon.
- First match of the day.
- 12h15
- Lunch.
- From 13:45 to 16:15.
- Second match of the day.
- 17.00 h. to 19.30 h.
- Third match of the day.
- 20.00 h
- Closing ceremony, prize-giving, proclamation of the World Champion and other prizes and raffles.
The World Cup will be held in Alicante, at the Instituto Ferial de Alicante (IFA).
The price is 120€ – 130.48$ – 105.82£ per person, from 1 February to 2 March.
After that, from 03/03/2023 until 30/04/2023 the price will be 130€ – 141.35$ – 114.63£.
Registration closes on the 1st of May.
Each participant will receive with his or her ticket:
- Access to the website
- Where to organise any tournament and updated to the latest Blood Bowl 2020 rules.
- A complete set of World Cup 2023 dice.
- Exclusive World Cup 2023 coin.
- Exclusive World Cup 2023 Miniature (Minotaur)
- World Cup 2023 patch
- Official neoprene Blood Bowl pitch
- Access to various raffles and lotteries.
- Transport during the event and meals included (From meet point).
Creation of the Team
- Each team has a budget of 1.150.000 Mo to spend on a minimum of 11 players. All unused money will be forfeited and all teams will have the same Team value.
- The budget will also be used to buy Rerolls, Assistant Coaches, Cheerleaders, Doctors, etc.
- The Blood Bowl World Cup is a resurrection tournament, all wounds suffered or experience gained are not saved and every match starts from zero.
- Undead, Necromancers and Nurgle are allowed to use the special rules “Lords of the Dead” and “Nurgle’s Rot”.
- The team must have a minimum of 11 players and a maximum of 16 players including Star Players.
- You can only include a Star Player if you already have 11 players on the team.
- If both teams have contracted the same Star Player, both teams can play him.
Create your team roster
Each team will be separated between five different TIERS with a skill set to choose from.
Each team can accumulate a maximum of two skills in a single player at the cost of one Primary and one Secondary Skill. If the team and skill set does not allow for a Secondary Skill you will not be able to accumulate skills in a single player.
- Dark Elves
- Silvan Elves
- Dwarves
- Chaos Dwarves
- Humans
- Lizardmen
- Undead
- Orcs
Set of Skills to choose from :
A. 6 Primary Skills
B. 4 Primary + 1 Secondary Abilities
C. 3 Primary Skills + 1 Star Player
- High Elves
- Amazons
- Inhabitants of the Underworld
- Necromancers
- Nordics
- Skavens
- Slann
- Elven Union
Set of Skills to choose from :
A. 7 Primary Skills
B. 5 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary
C. 4 Primary Skills + 1 Star Player
- Chaos Chosen
- Khorne
- Imperial Nobility
- Nurgle
- Black Orcs
- Khemri
Set of Skills to choose from :
A. 7 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary
B. 5 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary
C. 5 Primary Skills + 1 Star Player
- Old World Alliance
- Chaos Renegades
- Vampires
Set of Skills to choose from :
A. 8 Primary Skills + 1 Secondary
B. 6 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary
C. 5 Primary Skills + 1 Star Player
- Halflings
- Goblins
- Ogres
- Snotlings
Set of Skills to choose from :
A. 8 Primary Skills + 2 Secondary
B. 6 Primary Skills + 3 Secondary
C. 6 Primary Skills + 1 Star Player
D. 4 Primary Skills + 2 Star Player
Individual Scoring
Individual scoring is as follows:
- WIN: 2 points
- DRAW: 1 point
- LOSE: 0 points
- CONCEDE: -10 points (will be counted as a 3-0
touchdowns and 3-0 downs, both to the opposing team)
- Opponent’s score
- Total CASUALTIES (ALL casualties caused during the game are counted, e.g. missed dodges, secret weapons, crowd, etc.)
- Random
Creation of SQUADS
The NAF World Cup V is played by squads of 6 members, which may also have an optional seventh alternate. That alternate will be there to replace one of the team members in case he/she is unable to play.
An alternate member is considered an attendee at the World Cup for all purposes, and will therefore
will have the same rights, gifts and registration fees as any other attendee.
Substitute members may stand alongside their team-mates during matches, but are prohibited from advising or supporting their team-mates during matches in any way.
In the event that members of a squad are missing during a match, free substitute members from other squads may be required to play in their place during that match.
In the event that a squad includes a substitute member, the team captains shall name the squad members who will play each game before the round begins.
A squad will consist of 6/7 members who will follow the above rules, and in addition apply the following
the following:
- A squad must consist of 6/7 teams of different races. You cannot repeat the same race in a squad (so one team of Orcs, one team of Dark Elves and so on).
- You cannot hire the same star player more than once in teams that are part of a squad (so only one Griff Oberwald, only one Grombrindal and so on).
SQUADS Scoring
SQUADS Scoring
A squad wins a round if its members score more individual points than the opposing squad over the 6 games of the round.
over the 6 games that make up the round.
The score a squad gets in each round is:
- WIN: 2 points
- DRAW: 1 point
- LOSE: 0 points
- Squad points
- Coach’s points
- Opponent’s points
- Total TOUCHDOWNS (ALL casualties caused during the game are counted, e.g. failed dodges, secret weapons, public, etc.)
- Random
These are the set of rules that will be used during the 5th NAF World Cup.
We will keep you posted!